More Good News for Back-to-School

closeup photo of assorted color alphabets
Photo by Magda Ehlers on

Welcome back! My apologies for my unexplained absence these last two weeks. I’ve been researching information for a post on COVID-19 vaccine development, and I kept telling myself that I would finish it soon and not to start a post on another topic until that one was ready to go, but I’m sorry to say that I let the perfect get in the way of the good. I’ll be back with that post when it’s ready, but in the interim the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report published a very interesting case series this week describing limited spread of COVID-19 among child care programs in Rhode Island following state requirements for reopening.

Welcome, welcome!

I’m a mom and a public health physician. I frequently find that in both of my roles, people have a lot of health questions for themselves, their kids, their parents and other loved ones. I have a lot of health questions for myself, my kids, my parents and other loved ones too!

I love to read, research and stay on top of the latest public health and medical information. Things change so quickly nowadays that it’s hard to stay on top of things – and a lot of what I find is either jargony, inaccurate, or both.

I hope to be a trustworthy and accurate resource for moms and other people with health questions. I believe in science and logic. But as a scientist, I also know that we don’t have all of the answers to everything – anyone who tells you that they do is probably lying or trying to sell you something (or both!).

I will share plain language, simple explanations of facts and science, counter myths, and explain when we quite frankly don’t have an answer!

This is not a “mommy blog”, with all due respect to mommy bloggers. While I am a mom and may occasionally make reference to my kids, please respect their privacy and don’t ask personal questions about them or me.

I look forward to talking with you more! After these set-up posts, I’m planning on initial Monday updates – or more frequently in the future if I can handle the volume in my busy work and family life! If you have any health-related questions or topics you’d like me to cover, leave a comment here!

🙂 Dr. B
