What Does a 95% Effective COVID-19 Vaccine Mean?

two covid vials on pink surface
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on Pexels.com

Hopefully you’ve heard the exciting news by now: Last week, both Moderna and Pfizer and BioNTech announced that their COVID-19 vaccines are about 95% effective! This is groundbreaking news that had changed the way that many physicians and public health professionals – including myself – think about these vaccines. But, you may be wondering what does “95% effective” really mean, both for the vaccines themselves and the pandemic? Read on for an explanation.

This Thanksgiving, Protect Your Loved Ones and Connect Remotely

cooked turkey on table
Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova on Pexels.com

Let’s be honest: the longer the COVID-19 pandemic stretches on, the harder it is to give up our treasured traditions. For many Americans like myself, Thanksgiving is one of the most important traditions. My extended family has gotten together, sometimes traveling far distances to do so, for a big Thanksgiving dinner for as long as I can remember. It’s important to me, I want it for my kids, and after so many months of social distancing I really want to spend time in the same room as my family.


This Thanksgiving, we will celebrate in our own separate homes in front of the video chat and I strongly encourage and ask you and your family do the same, for their and your own protection. Read on for reasons why.

Pregnant Women: Take These Important Steps to Prevent COVID-19

pregnancy pregnant motherboard parenthoof
Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com

You’ve probably already heard about risks of COVID-19 for older adults and people with certain high-risk conditions. But, new data is showing that COVID-19 can also be particularly risky for pregnant women and the babies they are carrying. Are you or someone you love pregnant? Read on for more information on risks to pregnant women during this pandemic, and important preventive steps.

5 Reasons COVID-19 Vaccine Research Can Happen in Record Time

white pocket watch with gold colored frame on brown wooden board
Photo by Shawn Stutzman on Pexels.com

“How soon will a COVID-19 vaccine come out?” That’s one of the top questions I’ve been asked over the last several months. It’s usually followed with “Is it being rushed?” Unfortunately, the answer to the first question is still unclear. However, there are real, evidence-based reasons why and how scientists are achieving the seemingly-impossible: developing a vaccine against COVID-19 within months of the first identified cases. This post will discuss those reasons and whether the vaccine is being rushed.

Second COVID-19 Vaccine Study Paused: Should You Worry?

blue and silver stetoscope
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Last week Johnson & Johnson announced that they were temporarily pausing their COVID-19 vaccine clinical studies in order to review and evaluate an unexpected illness in an individual participating in their study, less than 3 weeks after their Phase 3 study had started. Another COVID-19 vaccine, developed by the University of Oxford, also had its clinical studies paused in July and September for similar reasons. Read on for my thoughts on what this may mean for potential COVID-19 vaccines and their safety.

Rare COVID-19 Complication Can Happen in Children and Adults

photo of woman lying in hospital bed
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

This past June, the New England Journal of Medicine published two articles describing a then-newly identified complication of COVID-19 infection in children, which the CDC had named Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, or MIS-C. At the time, it was unclear whether this complication was unique to children. However, the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) recently published a case series summarizing 27 cases of a similar condition in adults.

Meet the Leading COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates

crop nurse with syringe on beige background
Photo by Artem Podrez on Pexels.com

If you’ve been following the news, then you may have heard conflicting information about how soon a COVID-19 vaccine will become available. Unfortunately, my crystal ball is hazy on that front, but I think it’s fair to say that whenever a COVID-19 vaccine or vaccines first come out, initial supplies will be limited and focused on front-line healthcare workers, other essential workers, and people at high risk of severe COVID-19 infection. It may be several months before we have widespread COVID-19 vaccine available, so keep wearing face masks and social distancing until then!

Although there are still a lot of questions about when COVID-19 vaccine will come out, we’re starting to get a clearer picture of which COVID-19 vaccines may be available. There are currently four U.S. COVID-19 vaccines in the third (and final) phase of clinical trials prior to approval. It’s important to keep in mind that not all vaccine candidates will necessarily be approved; the whole point of a clinical trial is to study whether a vaccine is safe and effective in as many populations as possible. This post summarizes the four vaccines that are currently farthest along, but it’s no guarantee that any of them will ultimately be approved.

Restaurants May Be Riskier for COVID-19 Than We Think

classic interior of cafe with vintage chandeliers and furniture
Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com

Welcome back to another week! If your kids’ school year has begun, whether remotely, on-site or on a hybrid schedule, I hope it’s going well and they’re staying safe and healthy!

If you live in a northern climate, then the weather’s probably getting chillier and after six months of social distancing, the call of your favorite restaurant or café may be getting more and more attractive. Unfortunately, a recent study published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) suggests that spending time in restaurants, bars and coffee shops during the COVID-19 pandemic may be one of the riskiest choices we could make.
